Hello, weekend. I’m ready for you, and rolling up my sleeves for some office-inspired DIYs. I picked three eye-catching desktop essentials that can be made in a snap.

A handwritten letter makes a big impact, particularly when written on beautiful stationery. Our friends at HonestlyWTF wowed us once again with their paper marbling technique. Bonus: This pretty DIY involves shaving cream, masking tape, and food coloring (What’s not to love about that kind of craft project?!)

eHow Desk Magazine Holder is a clutter-clearing solution that looks incredibly sophisticated in any home office space (I’m a big fan of marbled contact paper).

Recently, there’s been a lot of love for the Himmeli, the Finnish holiday decoration that’s been making waves even off the Christmas tree. AshAndCrafts took the ornament’s mobile roots and grounded it as a stunning sculpture fit to house a succulent. Gold accents and clean, geometric lines = the ultimate desk topper.