Few things compare to the wonderful, intimate artistry of Ariana Hoffman. Her company AH & Co. specializes in quality, hand-painted works and surfaces that feel excitingly fresh in today’s world of mass-produced wallpapers and furnishings. A self-taught artist, Ariana, approaches the home like a canvas. At times, her work abounds with elegantly visible brush-strokes reminiscent of Dutch impressionism, while at other junctions, her crisp stencils and clean lines dominate the art.
Read on to learn more about her creative process, where she looks for inspiration, and her favorite travel destination.
Click through this slideshow to view Ariana’s work space.

In what ways has your artistic background informed your design choices?Both of my parents had artistic hobbies, and I learned a lot from them at an early age. My father had a woodworking workshop in our basement where he built furniture and repaired things around our home. My mother was a wonderfully talented artist and her passion for painting, stained glass, and silk painting had an enormous influence on me. I appreciate both a traditional/old world and contemporary design aesthetic. A successful space incorporates a bit of all things old and new.

What type of finishes would you recommend for a summer beach house?
In my mind, summer beach house equals three finishes:
1. Distressed, painted floors. These are highly durable, washable, and easygoing, with standard wear and tear an added bonus.
2. Organic stencil patterns. Done on a single wall or as an all-over finish, this is a great and unique way to add texture and color.
3. High-gloss, white-pearl iridescent paint. I would use this for a mirror frame, cabinet drawers or even on a powder room wall. It picks up the seashell vibe in a totally glamorous, high-end way. It also makes for a great light reflector, is highly durable, washable, and goes with anything and everything.

Favorite types of designs to paint in a house:
I love painting floors in a house. Design wise, anything that makes a bold statement is a favorite. Stenciling is also something I adore because a simple design can be layered with multiple treatments and become something so unique that no one can reproduce its artistry. You never want the finish to stand out too much, but rather, be a beautiful, rich and luxurious compliment to the entire space.