“At the age of ten, I saved up enough money to buy a 35mm Pentax. I took it everywhere. However, it wasn’t until partway through college that I chose to pursue photography as a career. I now live in New York City with my wife Liz and our infant son, Sam.” —Mark Weinberg
I remember the instant I knew photography was for me. I was touring a new high school one summer, and they had a summer arts program going on at the time. As we were touring the photography facility, Steve Manning, a teacher and avid photographer, walked out of the darkroom with a wet fiber print in a tray. The image was contact printed from a 4×5 negative and had such incredible tone and depth to it that I still have a vivid memory of it. Something happened then and there. I was captivated, and I remember thinking, “I want to do that.”

What makes for a great photo?
Light. It’s all about the light.

Where do you look for inspiration?
I find myself being inspired by architecture. I love the interplay of light and structure.

Favorite subject to photograph:
I have been asked this question many times. I shoot a lot of interiors, architecture, food, and some portraits for work. I really love them all. When there is great light, it’s fun to photograph just about anything. I do love photographing when traveling, and when traveling, I find that architecture, food, and portraiture plays into those images.